
I'm Aarish Alam, a data Scientist & Software Developer working on building experiences

Get in touch arishalam121@gmail.com


Graduated from NITRR. Currently building at fold.money. A tool that tells stories about your money.

I am Data Science Enthusiast and have previously worked at various startups building on my skills and meeting a lot of like-minded folks!

When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'm probably, infront of my phone binging. I think its time to change my lifestyle 😅

  • Python
  • SQL
  • C++
  • Tensorflow
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Pytorch
  • RASA
  • Bash
  • Git & Github
  • Chrome DevTools
  • Postman
  • MongoDB
  • Postgresql
  • Airflow
Jul 2023 - present
Machine Learning Engineer
Jan 2023 - Jun 2023
Automation Engineer
Dec 2021 - Dec 2022
Data Scientist
May 2021-August 2021
Data Scientist
View My Resume
Notable Works

Worked in a small team to create the beautiful tagging engine with F1 score of 95%!

Other Projects

This project demostrates the use of Transfer Learning using VGG Network to classify whether the cell is infected or not.The app was made on Streamlit and has been deployed as a docker wrapper on cloud using two step deployment process.

Streamlit Python Transfer Learning Google Cloud Run

This is a deployed app which suggests movies based on the similarity of their content. The similarity metric that was used is cosine similarity.

Flask HTML JavaScript CSS Postgresql Heroku

Built a book recommendation engine using collaborative filtering technique with k-means clustering.The similarity in taste of two users is calculated based on the similarity in the rating history of the users.

Python Collaborative Filtering KNN Numpy Pandas

With the help of transfer learning trained InceptionV3 model to classify 26 different gestures mapping 26 Alphabets of English Language

Python Transfer Learning Inception V3 Matplotlib and PIL

Using several models made a vote classifier based on hard voting in which predictions are the majority vote of contributing models.

Python Vote Classifier NLTK Pickle

Built a simple Generative Adversarial Network to generate image of digit 5 from noise distribution.

Python Generator And Discriminator Networks Pillow OpenCv

Trained a LSTM neural network with Word2vec Embeddings of 300 dimensions to classify words into thier parts of speech.

Python LSTM Word Embeddings